Stay active. Avoid staying seated for too long. During long trips take breaks often to get up and move.
Avoid or reduce your intake of protein from animal sources, as well as salt, especially in the evening. High animal protein affects certain minerals in the urine that may promote the formation of kidney stones. Reducing sodium in the diet reduces the amount of calcium excreted in the urine, therefore people who develop stones containing calcium may benefit from a low sodium intake. In small quantities beer is a diuretic, but more than a few beers at a time will wear out the kidneys. Drink water often, but only a little at a time and preferably at room temperature or lukewarm. Cold liquids are emptied from the stomach at a faster rate, so less can be absorbed.
Learn to control your fear and anger. Learn to distinguish between existential fear and fear when faced with concrete danger. Avoid situations that might put you off balance unexpectedly, and take things step by step.