1. Chronic low back pain 下背痛
2. Non-Traumatic knee pain 没有外伤引起的膝盖疼痛
3. Sciatica 坐骨神经痛
4. Constipation and/ diarrhea 便秘及/腹瀉
5. Pain in the lower abdomen (Discomfort throughout the entire abdomen if the small intestine prolapse) 下腹部疼痛(如果是小肠下垂会引起整个腹腔不适)
6. Non-specific headache or dull foggy head 非特定性的头疼或者觉得头很沉悶
7. Pain at abdomen when breathing out (shallow breathing) 吐气时会觉得腹部疼痛(呼吸很淺)
1. Anyone who suffer from the above symptoms (not all) and experiencing the pain pattern in the chart who has have no relief from regular massage and therapy 任何有上述症状及如下图所示的疼痛且無法从多次的按摩或其他治疗得解决疼痛的人.
2. Menstruation pain in adolescences 发育期少女的經痛
3. Recurrent muscle spasm throughout the whole body 全身经常会发生痙攣
4. Fatigue in the afternoon and fatigue with insomnia or restless sleeping in the middle of the night 在下午会觉得累,失眠或者半夜会睡不稳
5. Feet and legs feel heavy in the morning 下肢在早上醒来时觉得沉重
6. History of abdominal and laporoscopic surgery 曾经做过腹部手术或腹腔镜
7. Restricted Psoas muscle 受限(很緊)的腰肌
1. Great need for security and protection
2. Great need to talk
3. Great faithfulness
4. Remarkably meticulous
5. Obstinate
6. Great need to convince
7. Hypochondria
8. Tendency toward exaggeration and theatrics
9. Slightly obsessive
10. Certain rigidity
11. Mood swings
12. Sensitive and thin skinned
13. Inclination toward paranoia
14. Great generosity
Physical care
Walk as much as possible. Walking is excellent stimulation, helping to "stir" the contents of the intestine and eliminate the air it contains. Do deep breathing exercises. This allows the diaphragm (the muscle that makes us breathe) to give the abdomen a massage. Watch your spine. A blocked lumbar vertebra, a disc problem, a shock to the coccyx can all cause intestinal problems.
Nutritional Care
Eat fibre-rich vegetables and fruits. Figs are great to activate a lazy intestine. If you are constipated, it may be useful to alternate hot and cold, e.g. have a cup of coffee after eating a sherbet. Certain foods ferment in the intestines: beans, peas, cabbage, chickpeas, onions, artichokes, mushrooms, leek. It's best to eat them cooked (either steamed or boiled), and changing the water once in the course of cooking. Chew them thoroughly, because the enzymes in our saliva make foods easier to digest. Overripe cheeses are candidates for fermentation. Pesticides can irritate intestines; eat organic when possible. In women, the intestines react differently at different times in the hormonal cycle. Women are more sensitive to certain foods before their period or during menopause.
Psychological Care
Slow down and enjoy the moments. Learn to rest and relax. Put on some music, lie down, relax your muscles, let the music sleep into you. Try not to imagine the worst possible scenarios. Think about yourself instead. Learn to speak more slowly, letting other people talk.