A young lady came to me complaining about the Right knee pain after exercises. Pain when walking up the stairs. Besides, she also complained about right wrist pain during wrist extension. As usual we do the objective measurement of range of motion and found that right neck is stiff and Left side bending is lesser than the Right side bending .
1) GL(General Listening): bring me to Right Thorax
2) LL(Local Listening): Right Neck Deep Cervical Fascia and Bronchus , Cecum
3) MTE( Manual Thermal Evaluation): Right neck, Bronchus, Left lobe of Liver and Cecum
1) Improve Right Bronchus Viscoelasticity and motility.
2) Cecum listening disappear after fixing the Right Bronchus so no treatment needed.
3) Redo MTE and found the Left lobe of Liver still has not dissipate, perform a Liver lift and correct the pulling of Left Suspensory Lig of Liver. ( Out of curiosity I asked the client if she had any accident before as this type of tension only showed when the Liver sustain a trauma like fall/accident, to my surprise it was due to frequent practice of the same set of Tabata where the jumping and hopping is involved, another lessen learned)
4) Lastly we fixed the Deep Cervical Fascia which immediately free her neck stiffness and decrease the compression on the nerve which causes wrist pain.
Assessment at end of session:
Knee pain gone, Right neck left side bending normal and the breathing is better.
Note to ponder:
The source of pain is not always on the complain side unless you have direct trauma to the side. In this case, the Right Bronchus has affected the Cecum gliding which In turn compress on the Nerve that innervate the Right knee, when the nerve is not gliding properly, of course the joint that it control will not function well hence the pain. It is not always due to the degenerative as this is a young girl with no joint pathology problems.