Participating in athletic activities sometimes can be hard on our bodies, especially as we get older, are ill-equipped, not properly warmed up, or are prone to injuries. Sports injuries generally occur while participating in sports, training, and or exercises. Overtraining, lack of conditioning, and inappropriate techniques for performing a certain task trigger sports injuries. Weekend athletes are actually more prone to such injuries, owing to their sedentary work week and the sudden weekend physical exploits that are bound to take their toll on their bodies. Sports injury physiotherapy is the most common way to treat such discomfort.
1. Ankle Sprain:
An ankle sprain occurs when there is a tearing of the ligaments attached to the bones in the ankle. These ligaments stabilize the joint and when overstretched, may cause a sprain. Sports players often suffer from ankle sprains due to the stress placed on the joints during movements such as twisting, jumping, turning, and fast direction changes. It ensues when the foot twists inward affecting the ligaments on the outside of the ankle.
Your sports physio will determine whether bracing or taping the ankle is necessary according to the severity. Rehabilitation for an ankle sprain may include stretching, strengthening, balance, and flexibility exercises with proper observation.
2. Hamstring Strain:
Athletes and footballers are particularly susceptible to hamstring strains as these muscles deliver power and speed. The main reasons for a hamstring strain are overuse, weakness, poor stretching technique, or a shortage of stretching. Hamstring strains are also caused by an imbalance between the quadriceps and hamstring muscles or weakness in the gluteals.
For those with a minor hamstring strain, stretching and strengthening exercises are often useful during recovery. Diagnosis of the severity of your hamstring strain should involve your physiotherapist as they will strategically decide how the injury is managed.
3. Knee Injuries
Knee injuries are a remarkably common sporting injury. Falls, collisions, sudden twists, and turns, excessive force, and overuse are all familiar culprits when it comes to knee injury. There can be numerous causes that instigate knee injuries, such as muscle strains, ligament sprains, tendon tears, cartilage tears, patella-femoral pain syndrome, or poor bone conditions such as arthritis.
Some of the specific Sports injury physiotherapy treatments for a knee may include taping, stretching and strengthening exercises, massage, dry needling, and mobilization techniques. Occasionally doctors suggest surgery for severe knee injuries.
4. Shoulder Injuries
The shoulder is extremely exposed to several common sports injuries. Athletes who play sports involving batting, throwing, or tackling are prone to injuring their shoulders. From dislocations to fractures and rotator cuff injuries, the complex shoulder structure always puts itself in painful complications.
Treatment for shoulder injuries focuses on reducing pain and inflammation and improving mobility and range of motion while maintaining stability in surrounding muscle groups. Sports injury treatment by a physiotherapist for a shoulder may include taping, dry needling, manual therapy, and specific strengthening exercises.
5. Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow doesn’t just happen with tennis players. It affects many athletes and sporting professionals who grip objects for extended periods with poor and repetitive techniques. The common sports injury impacts the muscles that allow the wrist and fingers to extend. The injury usually appears outside of the elbow, just on the bony bump where the muscles attach.
All Sports injury physiotherapy aims to improve the function of the elbow and reduce pain. Some treatments include manual therapy, education, strengthening, stretching exercises, braces, and sports-specific rehabilitation can also prove helpful in relieving pain.
VL Therapy, a famous therapy centre in Kuala Lumpur offers customized recovery programs for sports injury physiotherapy in Malaysia. If you are suffering a musculoskeletal or sports injury, get in touch with VL Therapy, where we arrange a consultation and start your road to recovery as soon as possible. Our main aim is to restore your well-being so you can enjoy an active, healthy, and pain-free life. To learn more about our services please visit our official website