Manual Lymphatic drainage therapy has a positive effect on the following conditions:
- Stimulation of the lymphatic system.
- Oedema during pregnancy.
- Relief Fluid congestion – puffy ankles, legs, eyes, and abdomen.
- Scar tissue – improvement of lymph flow, softens and improves elasticity of the tissue, speed up scar healing and prevent infection.
- Post surgical – mastectomy of cosmetics.
- After glandular fever.
- Sports injuries.
- Arthritis and rheumatism.
- Assistance for migraine, headaches, and MS
- Constipation and digestive disorders.
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Recurring infections – colds, flu, ear or chest.
- Skin disorders – acne, scleroderma, eczema and psoriasis.
- General health and well being.
- Reduction of the pain associated with endometriosis.
- Sedating effect on the central nervous system – promoting relaxation and reduction of stress
- Promotes the healing of fractures, torn ligaments, sprains and lessens pain.
- Can improve many chronic conditions: sinusitus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, etc
- Strengthen the immune system as part of “detox” treatment.
- Is an effective component of the treatment and control of lymphoedema (which may occur after cancer treatment) and assists in conditions arising from venous insufficiency.
- Promotes healing of wounds and burns and improves the appearance of old scars.
- Minimises or reduces stretch marks.
- Can be used to speed healing after cosmetic surgery.
- 精神倦怠疲劳、精神压力大-淋巴引流可逹到深度放松,帮助失眠,减轻焦虑,缓解抑郁,情 绪的不稳定;减少慢性疲劳。
- 肤色暗沈粗糙、缺乏弹性 、皮肤病及抗衰老。
- 电疗后的淋巴水肿现象.
- 水肿肥胖症、 眼睛晨间浮肿
- 脾湿消化不良者,饮食过度、 新陈代谢差 ,减轻肥胖症和脂肪团
- 消化系统功能问题如便秘
- 除了头痛及扁头痛,淋巴引流也可缓解各种慢性和亚急性炎症,包括鼻窦炎,支气管炎和中耳炎
- 减轻慢性疼痛如痛风,关节痛和关节炎
- 乳房胀痛,纤维囊乳房,乳房下垂
- 手术伤口、疤痕及烧伤疤痕的修复-增强血液循环及免疫力,增加清除毒素率,帮助伤疤的愈合
- 运动损伤-帮助运动损伤的康复,清除体内垃圾,并协助组织的再生,这将加强和改善组织愈合的健康
- 免疫力下降-刺激和增加淋巴细胞的产生,增强人体的机体免疫功能,幫助减少流感和感冒频次。这是对于患有免疫系统差的群体最有效的。
- 消除瘀血。