你落枕了吗?SPRAIN your Neck?


你落枕了吗?SPRAIN your Neck?

Understand The Pericardium and its relation to neck pain 心包膜跟颈部疼痛的关系:


Based on Jean Pierre Barral work of osteopathic approach, the pericardium is frequently associated to neck pain and thorax pain. The heart is protected and hold in place by a pouch called Pericardium which is attached to the spine and sternum. 根据 Jean Pierre Barral 的古法国骨科治疗,心包膜跟颈肩及胸腔疼痛有关。心脏是被一层心包膜包住,然后再连接到脊椎及胸骨。


1. Anteriorly to the Sternum via Superior (a) Cervicopericardium ligaments and Inferior (b) Sternopericardiac ligaments. 前方连结至胸骨的上/下胸骨心包韌帶。

2. Inferiorly , the pericardiac is connected to Diaphragm via (c) Phrenico-Pericardiac ligament. 下方连接至横膈膜的横膈心包韌带。

3. Posterior-superior connection to cervical (anterior aspect of C7 & 8) via (d) Vertibro-Pericardiac Ligaments. 后上方连结至頸椎的椎体心包韌带。

4. Superiorly connected to Deep Cervical Fascia via Cervico Pericardium ligament who also house the Brachio-Cephalic Vein 上方连结至中颈部深层筋膜,里面含有頭臂脉幹。


Looking at the connection of all those ligaments between the pericardium and the cervical vertebral , one can understand that the tension on bones may not be just muscular but an influence from the visceral connection as such- poor breathing pattern, tight pericardium ligaments which leads to adaptation in poor posture. 了解心包膜与脊椎的关系,可以了解到脊椎及骨骼的问题,不單纯的是因为肌肉,内脏筋膜造成的影响也是一大因素,比如不正確的呼吸方法,心包膜韧带紧张而造成的姿势不良都是导因。

The anterior sheer forces in the vertebral and disc can be attributed by the soft tissue or organs dysfunction which not only create symptoms in musculoskeletal but also symptoms that mimic heart problems. 内脏功能不协调及肌肉组织的紧张不但会造成脊椎骨及椎间盘向前而引起肌肉骨骼的疼痛,也会造成有如心脏病的胸部疼痛。